Free Patterns 1

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Free Patterns 1
Free Patterns 2


Free Stained Glass Patterns

You may use these patterns for your own art work.
 But do not copy and use on another web site.
Patterns are not for resale.



bulletThe Butterfly Pattern 1.

Enlarge to 16" x 20". The dotted lines are wire overlays.

bulletHeart Pattern 2.

Make a Valentine for your sweetie!
Use a nice red glass for the outside pieces and a 2 inch square
bevel for the center. Build this heart frame with lead not copper foil
and tuck a photo inside the lead came on the back of the bevel.

bulletWelcome Pattern 3.

Hang this one by your door.

bulletSpring Pansies 4. 

This pattern has a lot of small pieces,
I suggest enlarging it many times.
The fine lines (in dark pink color) are wire overlays ( 20 or 22 awg)
with solder drops to give a look of small flower buds.

Widen the background cut lines that the wire overlays attach to,
this will give them the look of stems. It will make them more a part of
the design, rather than extra meaningless cuts in the glass.

Using a white mottled glass will give the look of lace to the cloth
the vase is sitting on.

bulletRace Car Pattern 5.

 Enlarge this pattern and when completed paint on your favorite drivers numbers.



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